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Holding Hands

Mercier Therapy

A gentle, functional approach to fertility and better understanding your body

Mercier Therapy is a 6 session protocol of hands on therapy to address: Lack of menstrual period, irregular period, painful mensuration, PCOS, Endometriosis, and Issues with fertility. Mercier therapy can be done as a stand alone therapy or as part of the Shared Journey Fertility program. The shared Journey program includes: Mercier therapy coaching for lifestyle changes and cycle tracking. This approach looks at you as an individual and works on balancing hormones, addressing issues with your cycle, and your overall health. It helps us get away from the "one size fits all" approach that is typically taken when addressing infertility. Instead of utilizing a medication to force you to ovulate we look at why your body may not be in a proper cycle and how we can work with it to achieve a better cycle. 

What an appointment looks like:

First Visit

Your first visit will be an evaluation. During this evaluation we will do a lot of talking about your care so far, medical history, and specifics about your cycle. I will also do a general assessment of your abdomen including position of your uterus and ovaries.  This session will allow us to make a plan and discuss supplements and strategies moving forward. 

Subsequent visits

The 6 visits following the evaluation will include the Mercier therapy protocol. This consists of deep tissue work aimed at manipulation of the visceral organs for improved blood flow and function. There will be work done over your abdomen (starting just over your pubic bone), sides, glutes, and back.  There is no Internal work included in this technique. 
If you are pursuing Mercier therapy for non fertility related purposes your therapy will end after the 7th session. However, if you are participating in the Shared Journey Fertility program you can request appointments any time during your year of programming to discuss cycle changes, supplements, or issues with your cycle. 

More about the Background

Pregnancy Test
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